Thursday, August 21, 2008

Technorati Profile

Great Life – How To Turn Your Life From Boring To Great

If you feel like you are living a boring life, that there is more to life, and are willing to do something about it, you have just made the first step to creating a great life. You see, most people want a great life but are not willing to do what is necessary to get it. So how do you create a great life once you know you want it?

First of all, if you feel that you are living a boring life it’s because you are not living to your life potential. I believe that you were born to live a great life full of excitement. Begin to do some brainstorming and figure out what things would make you feel like you are living a great life.

Once you have come up with these things, it’s time to start doing some of them. I know that many of the things you came up with might be a bit scary for you but you are just going to have to get past the fear if you want to live great. Fear is the number one reason why people don’t live the lives they are meant to live. Don’t become another casualty of fear.

After you have started to turn your life from boring to great, make a decision that you will never let your life become boring and mundane again. This means that as soon as you feel yourself slipping into a rut, you immediately begin to find ways to liven up that area of your life again.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Being Successful and Happy

How many people in the world are successful? How many people in the world are happy? What about being both successful and happy at the same time? The number of people who can honestly say that they are both successful in what they do, and are very happy in their life, is unfortunately quite a small number.

But it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, it is entirely possible to be very successful at your chosen career and your family life, while at the same time being very happy in everything that you have and everything that you do. So why aren't more people successful and happy? The answer is so simple that often people look right past it, and never learn the secret.

One way of thinking is that in order to BE, you must HAVE. This line of thinking leaves people thinking that they must have a solid career, a great deal of money, or whatever it is that they think they need in their life, in order to be happy. This is not true at all. You must change your way of thinking, so that instead you think that in order to HAVE you must BE. This line of thinking says that in order to be successful, you must be happy first.

Think about this - most people tell themselves that once they are successful they will worry about donating their time and money to charity. But there is a good chance that those people will never become successful. However, another person will decide to be generous and give back before they are successful. By being the generous, thoughtful person before they become successful they are effectively attracting more people to them because they recognize a generous, good spirited person and they want to spend time with that person.

Think about it, when you are smiling, courteous, generous, kind and all of the other wonderful things that you want to be when you are happy - you naturally attract people to you because they want to be around people who are happy and generous. When you attract people to you and into your life, you are creating a situation when you can create opportunities to make money. Simply by "being" before you focus on the "having" you are creating situations to improve your life.

The law of attraction is very strong, and if you focus on being the type of person that attracts other people, you will soon be able to attract into your life everything that you need and desire in order to be successful!

Charrissa Cawley, a former stay at home mom, switched to real estate when she discovered she could make more money, in less time, than she ever could working 10 hour days for someone else. "On my way to earning thousands of dollars on every transaction I did, I discovered the key to making money the smarter way-through Real Estate Investing". Cawley offers accurate and proven real estate strategies to investors of all different levels. With seminars, mentoring programs, real estate sales, her own products and a book coming to stores soon, she specializes in educating her clients on creating wealth through "Virtual Real Estate Investing". Within a year of beginning her real estate investing career, Cawley went from living paycheck to paycheck to being worth over 2 million dollars in a very short period of time and hasn't turned back since! She is the founder of, the fastest growing real estate investing educational resource on the internet today. She is also the Co-Founder of

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Have Learned That Happiness is a State of Mind

Your happiness is not vested in your bank balance, your house or the car that you drive. Accept whatever situation you find yourself in and be happy in the moment. If you can change or improve the situation change it, if not accept it and be happy in the moment. Nothing lasts forever because change is a fact of life. By accepting the situation in the moment does not prevent you from improving it but it puts you in a stronger mental state while you figure out the way for you to change it. Believe in yourself and start by facing and conquering you fears.

Now I will outline some facts that will show you that you are not alone with your personal misgivings about who and what you are. We all go through the growth and identity problems as we develop into adults and often we feel trapped by circumstances over which we have no control. However there are some facts about life in general that will throw light upon the opportunities for growth and self improvement that are available to anyone who wishes to take advantage of them.

Over a century ago a very wise man named Benjamin Franklin is reported to have said, "There are two things in life that are certain, Death and Taxation". Well as wise as he was he didn't get it quite right, I have learned over the years, that there are three things in life that are certain: -
Death, Taxation and Change. Change is a constant. It is all around us and it affects everything in the world. Even our bodies are in a constant state of change. Every moment of our lives, thousands of cells in our bodies are dying and are being replaced by new ones. All the soft tissue of our skin is being replaced approximately every six months and even our bones are being reconstructed on a seven-year cycle. You become a whole new person every seven years!

On this premise, I am now in my twelfth body, but from personal experience I can tell you, over the long run, after say the 5th body, they don't necessarily get any better! In the last 50 years, science and knowledge has progressed more than in the previous 1000 years. 90% of all the most famous scientists who ever lived are still alive today and to one of them I am forever grateful for the discovery that he made. He was a professor at Harvard who discovered that people can change.

We are living in an era of the most rapid change in the history of mankind, and it is foolish to resist change, if you do you will be overtaken and swallowed up by it. Compared to today's environment, our education and cultural beliefs are like echoes from the dark ages. Just look at how communication has changed: from word of mouth to messages on clay tablets, to letters through the mail, to printed books to radio, email and now on to the next wave of change, social and video networking. We must learn to adapt quickly by embracing change rather than resisting it.

Don has over 25 years experience in sales and sales-management in the advertising and Insurance industries. He is a highly successful and motivated entrepreneur now retired but involved in coaching salespeople through articles, talks and his website which will be the basis of the training course he is developing. Hobbies include, woodwork,hypnotherapy and coaching salesmanship and self development.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happiness Quote - The Secret of Happiness

There is an amazing happiness quote by Albert Schweitzer that says ‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.’ Understand this happiness quote and you will see exactly how to be happy. Here are 3 things that I get our of this happiness quote.

1. Happiness is success.

So many people want to be successful because they think that will make them happy. They work for years and years to be successful just to find that when they have reached so called success they are the furthest thing from happiness. Instead of working for success, work for happiness. This will make you a success in life.

2. Do what you love.

Have you ever found yourself doing something because you were told it would make you happy but in fact it just made you miserable? There are countless amounts of people that are doing what they hate. No wonder they aren’t happy. If you want to be happy, start doing the things that you love in life.

3. Happiness can only be defined by you.

The media does a great job at telling people what happiness is but they don’t have a clue what really makes you happy. You are the one that knows what makes you happy. So, instead of trying to find happiness by what others say it is, you need to decide what happiness is for you. Once you know this you won’t be chasing the wind to find that there is nothing there.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Jason Osborn - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Purpose of Life - An Atheist View

Most of society think that atheists have no underlying view on life. They think we just live our lives out counting the days until our non-existence. They view that we believe in evolution and that all of life was by chance and our existence was just luck. They couldn't be more wrong.

It is true that we are lucky to exist, and it was all by chance. Do we have a divine plan, or a purpose to our lives? Probably not, but that doesn't mean I have my own purpose that I've set for myself. It's to live the best life I can. To live it to the best of my ability where I can look back on my death bed and be happy with the life I led. You only live once, so you might as well make use of your time.

What's the point then? I can hear a lot of your saying. If it's all by chance and there's no purpose, what's the point? Should we just sit around the rest of our lives doing nothing, counting the seconds until our non-existence? No! We have the ability to enjoy ourselves. We can laugh and cry. We can be excited and disappointed. We might as well take advantage of these emotions because it's going to be a pretty futile existence.

There is no purpose to life, except what you make of it. Choose a path for yourself that is best for you. Don't live a life less than what you think you deserve.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Live Your Life With Happiness

I always remember someone says to me that if you not live your life at the fullest, you are selfish. That words stuck into my mind. I began to think real heart what it meant to live our lives at the fullest.

I have read all sort of book about how to have great personality, attraction skill, law of success and so on. But I realize that somewhat in my heart feel I have lost something that is extremely important in our life. I thinking this matter over and over and over again.

Then, I read all the success literature I can get and I can buy. I decide that I must find what is the true success really is. I have already learn Law of Attraction and how to use it. I also have learn all sort of NLP.

But, I realize that in order to live our life at the fullest, we need to live our life to serve other and to live our life with greater purpose. I began built my character. I built honesty in my heart. One the most hardest but most meaningful thing I have ever done in my life.

Honesty I meant in here is not just saying the truth but more than that. It is to live your life with great character and be the best for others and also be truth with yourself so that you can leave a legacy for the younger generations.

Even though I am still young, but I want prove that no matter how much age you are, live your life with happiness. Built greater character in your heart, smile everyday no matter what, be honest in everything that you do, always do your best no matter what you do, never give up and always and always improve yourself. Think and do what you want and don't worry about something you can't do anything about it.

Finally, achieve what you want in your life. Live your life with happiness.

Abdul Ghaffar A Samad - EzineArticles Expert Author

How To Live Fulfilled Life

One of the things that most of my coaching clients have in common is that they want to live a fulfilled life. After all, who really wants to live an unfulfilled life? So the question that you may have is How do I live a fulfilled life? Here are 3 keys to help you live the life that you want.

1. Know what you want out of life.

Imagine that you were hungry and really wanted to eat. You go to a restaurant and when the waiter asked you what you want you said ‘I just want to be full so just bring me some food.’ A few minutes later they bring you out the most disgusting food you have ever seen. This is what it can be like in life as well. Just because you want to live a full life doesn’t mean you will. Only when you know exactly what you want out of life can you start to live a fulfilled life.

2. Actively pursue it.

This may seem very obvious but just think about the things in your own life that you want but aren’t actively pursuing them. You may have all kinds of reasons, excuses, doubts, and fears why you aren’t but if you really want a fulfilled life you are going to have to get over all that stuff and just start pursuing it.

3. Follow your passion.

There are things on the inside of you that you dream about doing that you know you were meant to do. If you don’t do these things you won’t live a fulfilled life. It doesn’t mean that your life can’t still be good. It just means that you will look back on your life wishing you could have done what was in your heart.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason Osborn has dedicated himself to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Jason Osborn - EzineArticles Expert Author