Friday, July 25, 2008

The Purpose of Life - An Atheist View

Most of society think that atheists have no underlying view on life. They think we just live our lives out counting the days until our non-existence. They view that we believe in evolution and that all of life was by chance and our existence was just luck. They couldn't be more wrong.

It is true that we are lucky to exist, and it was all by chance. Do we have a divine plan, or a purpose to our lives? Probably not, but that doesn't mean I have my own purpose that I've set for myself. It's to live the best life I can. To live it to the best of my ability where I can look back on my death bed and be happy with the life I led. You only live once, so you might as well make use of your time.

What's the point then? I can hear a lot of your saying. If it's all by chance and there's no purpose, what's the point? Should we just sit around the rest of our lives doing nothing, counting the seconds until our non-existence? No! We have the ability to enjoy ourselves. We can laugh and cry. We can be excited and disappointed. We might as well take advantage of these emotions because it's going to be a pretty futile existence.

There is no purpose to life, except what you make of it. Choose a path for yourself that is best for you. Don't live a life less than what you think you deserve.

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